Digital Badges in #Physed eBook

Hey everyone! Over the past year I have been researching gamification and digital badges. I have written a short eBook that is in PDF format. This eBook explains how I plan to implement digital badges to encourage students to be physically active outside of school. It also includes resources to help you get started. I hope it gives you some ideas of how to implement a similar program at your school. Click here or the book cover below to access the eBook. You can view the eBook by opening it in iBooks or Google Play Books.

Digital Badges in Physical Eduation (4)


5 Comments on “Digital Badges in #Physed eBook

  1. Just read your ebook on Digital Badges. Mind blowing. I’m amazed at the possibilities. You have just booked my weekend. I’m going step by step through your process. Amazing. Thank you for sharing with me.

  2. Pingback: The PE Playbook – December 2015 Edition | drowningintheshallow

  3. This is an excellent resource, thanks for sharing! I will be starting this with my grade 5’s this week.

  4. Hi Collin,
    What a fantastic resource you have shared! It’s a great way to reach students by meeting them where they are… gaming…. and use it for getting them off the couch! You mentioned that you spent a year researching for this new program. Have you had much time to implement it and see how the students respond? I also was wondering if you find that the students are gaining any new peaked interests or motivation to do the activities or is it just a race for the badges? Of course it is often the external rewards that get people into physical activities. The intrinsic rewards take over as we develop routines of healthy lifestyles and begin to feel the benefits. I was wondering if its too early to know, or if your students are noticing these benefits and making these activity choices again on their own?
    Thanks for sharing your awesome program! It is inspiring! I will be looking into doing something like this in my School!
    Cathy 🙂

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