Using GAFE for efficient #PhysEd assessment and feedback loops part 2: Viva docAppender!

I mentioned in part 1 that docAppender was a real superstar.  That was no hyperbole.  In this tutorial, I will show you what excites me the most about docAppender.  The ability to track student growth over time with video and student feedback.  This is what I did with Autocrat last year and while I feel it was successful, each feedback merge was its own separate document and it was rather labor intensive.  This is no longer necessary with docAppender. Viva docAppender!

4 Comments on “Using GAFE for efficient #PhysEd assessment and feedback loops part 2: Viva docAppender!

  1. This is great Adam. I am at a very beginning level on all this. How do you go about setting up your classes first? I am sure you have already done a blog on this but I can’t seem to find it. 🙂 Thanks for the guidance!

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