
Welcome to PHYSEDagogy

Strengthening the physical education and health education profession by holding space for meaningful and relevant discourse in modern pedagogy.

Who we are: The purpose of PHYSEDagogy is to hold space for physical education and health education professionals, who come from a variety of learning communities and contexts, for learning opportunities centered around modern pedagogy.  Currently, our team consists of practitioners with a diverse set of experiences who teach and live all over the United States and globally.

What we do: PHYSEDagogy holds the belief that it can add value to and elevate the physical education and health education profession through meaningful, relevant, and visibly public discussion about instructional practices in the classroom.  Since 2013, we have facilitated numerous learning opportunities in both digital and non-digital learning spaces. They have included, but are not limited to: 

  • Blogging and Discussion
  • The #PhysEdSummit – a free online professional conference
  • Facilitating #PHYSedcamps and Demo Slams at conferences
  • A partnership with the Voxcast Podcast

PHYSEDagogy Themes